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Open Theses
Available topics for Bachelor or Master theses
MQTT on Arduino Nano
Design and implement an MQTT-Library for the Arduino Nano used in the Pi-Lab cluster
Pi-Lab Compose
Design and implement Docker-Compose-like CLI for the Pi-Lab
Web-UI for the Pi-Lab cluster
Design and implement of a Web-UI to manage the Pi-Lab cluster
Native GUI for Cluster Heads
Design and implement a native GUI for the Pi-Lab cluster head nodes equiped with a Raspberry Pi touch screen
Tripple-A for the Pi-Lab cluster
Design and implement authentication, authorization, and accounting for the Pi-Lab cluster
Distributed Logging
Create and implement a concept for a distributed logging solution for the Pi-Lab cluster
Cluster Management
Building a cluster management solution for the Pi-Lab with a containerized Foreman solution
Loxone Reverse Engineered
Design and implementaion of the Loxone Tree protocol for Arduino